FPT Software Ltd. is a global leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam, with nearly US$1.3 billion in revenue and 30,000 employees in 26 countries.
FPT Software Ltd. is a global IT services provider headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is a subsidiary of FPT Corporation (FPT – HoSE). Founded in 1999, FPT Software is the biggest software services company in Vietnam, with revenue of $513.6 million (FY2020) and workforce of 18,000 employees. FPT Software delivers services in smart factory, digital platform, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, enterprise mobilization, cloud computing, virtual reality, embedded system, managed services, testing, platform modernization, business applications, application service, BPO and more from delivery centers in the United States, Japan, Europe, Australia, Vietnam and the Asia Pacific. It has more than 56 offices in 26 countries & territories. FPT Software serves 700 big clients, in which 83 are listed in the Fortune 500.